Finger Lakes Boating Museum
Attractions Boating & Lake Life
The Finger Lakes Boating Museum in Hammondsport is dedicated to preserving the rich history of Boating and Boatbuilding in the Finger Lakes including creating an educational environment to learn the skill of Boatbuilding. In 1996 a small group of dedicated antique boating enthusiasts committed to establishing a museum that would preserve the boating heritage of the Finger Lakes. A steady stream of vintage boats and related objects have been offered for donation, and the Museum Collection has now grown to more than 200 boats built by many of the 40+ commercial builders identified to date as having built boats throughout the Finger Lakes Region during the last century. The Collection includes canoes, rowboats, row outboards, outboard runabouts, inboards, iceboats, and sailboats; as well as many related artifacts and ephemera. Thanks to the generous efforts of a small army of volunteers, we have managed to restore several of our boats to near-original condition, field numerous shows and exhibits, conduct workshops on boat building and boat restoration techniques, publish quarterly newsletters and many articles on the boating history of the Finger Lakes region, and provide assistance with countless research and restoration technique requests. ?