The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes
Arts, Culture & History Family, Community & Civic Organizations Government, Education & Individuals Non-Profit Organization Art/ Galleries Continuing Education
The mission of The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes is to our region a renowned haven for the arts. The ARTS Council believes that the arts are foundational to the human experience, and as a multi-county service organization, we work to fulfill our mission through promotion, advocacy, and direct services to artists and cultural bearers across the Southern Finger Lakes. We are located at 79 West Market Street in Corning. The location includes The ARTS Council's offices and permanent gallery space, The Evelyn Peeler Peacock Gallery. The Gallery displays work by The ARTS Council’s Artist Members, as well as a regional juried art show and two solo shows for emerging artists annually. A spotlight area hosts small works throughout the year. The ARTS Council's offices and gallery spaces are open Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, and some evenings and weekends for special events. Follow our social media channels and eARTS.org for regular updates!